Under the disguise of DDOS attacks, more complicated activities are happening.

This time a brute forcing event took place against the FTP server of the government.

The Cyber League has been tasked to analyze the network traffic to see if it was only brute forcing or did anything else happen on the service.

Since all the logs for the FTP server are missing, it is believed that the hackers may have gained access and deleted them.

Investigate the network traffic. Find out if any data was downloaded from the server.

Submit the filename as an answer!

Challenge created by CTF TECH.

Challenge files are located HERE


DDOS-rünnakute varjus toimuvad keerulisemad tegevused.

Seekord toimus valitsuse FTP-serveri vastu brute forcing.

Küberliigale on antud ülesanne analüüsida võrguliiklust, et näha, kas tegemist oli ainult brute forcinguga või juhtus teenuse puhul midagi muud.

Kuna kõik FTP-serveri logid on kadunud, arvatakse, et häkkerid võisid pääseda ligi ja need kustutada.

Uurige võrguliiklust. Uurige, kas serverist laaditi alla mingeid andmeid.

Esitage vastuseks failinimi!

Ülesanne on loodud CTF TECH poolt.

Ülesande failid asuvad SIIN