Your previous work has been recognized, and you have received extensive media coverage.

Fame brought a flood of emails. While the majority of them were of little interest, one of them caught your attention.

A self-proclaimed vigilante claims to have seen something suspicious while monitoring security cameras in Tallinn but needs your assistance in obtaining the recordings.

He has amassed a collection of public camera feeds over the years and began to pay closer attention to them as tensions rose. He thinks the data might be very helpful to the police, but he can't recall where he found the camera feed.

Can you identify the owner of the camera based on the screenshot he provided?

Give the answer in lowercase, with _ instead of spaces (ex. ctftech{asdf_qwerty_zxvb})

Challenge created by CTF TECH.

Challenge files are located HERE


Teie varasemat tööd on tunnustatud ja te olete saanud ulatuslikku meediakajastust.

Kuulsus tõi kaasa e-kirjade tulva. Kuigi enamik neist pakkus vähe huvi, äratas üks neist teie tähelepanu.

Üks isehakanud valvur väidab, et on Tallinnas turvakaameraid jälgides näinud midagi kahtlast, kuid vajab teie abi salvestiste kättesaamisel.

Ta on aastate jooksul kogunud avalike kaamerate salvestusi ja hakkas neile pingete kasvades rohkem tähelepanu pöörama. Ta arvab, et andmed võivad olla politseile väga kasulikud, kuid ta ei mäleta, kust ta kaamerate salvestusi leidis.

Kas te suudate tema esitatud ekraanipildi põhjal tuvastada kaamera omaniku?

Andke vastus väiketähtedega, tühikute asemel _-ga (nt ctftech{asdf_qwerty_zxvb}).

Ülesande failid asuvad SIIN